Buying and Selling Autos and Auto Accessories
About Me
Buying and Selling Autos and Auto Accessories

Yo! My name is Greg and this is my auto blog. A warm welcome to all the readers out there on the worldwide web. I decided to start this blog because the other night when I was lying in bed unable to sleep, I suddenly realised that I am a guy with a lot to give and that now was the time to start giving it. Although I am not a professional auto person, over the years, I have picked up a lot of useful info about how to buy, sell, maintain and modify different types of automobile. I hope you enjoy my blog.


Buying and Selling Autos and Auto Accessories

What Your Car Might Be Telling You By Way of Needed Repairs

Henry Obrien

Diagnosing needed car repairs should always be done by a professional auto mechanic, with the tools and skills needed to properly determine why your car is acting up. However, knowing what might be wrong with your car can mean knowing what to expect by way of repair costs, and you may also be able to tackle some fixes on your own or with the help of a skilled friend. Note what your car might be telling you by way of needed repairs, based on how it's responding or handling.


A car that stalls should be repaired as soon as possible, as constantly starting the vehicle again puts lots of wear and tear on the engine. To know what might need to be repaired, consider when the vehicle stalls. For example, if it stalls when you first start it, but then runs fine after you keep driving, this is often a problem with trapped oxygen in the engine. A broken tailpipe or muffler, clogged catalytic converter, or a stuck air intake valve can mean the engine is holding too much oxygen that can't get vented out until you start driving, causing the car to stall.

If the car stalls no matter how long you've been driving, the fuel pump may be malfunctioning, so the engine isn't getting a consistent supply of fuel. The timing of the engine, which controls the movement of the pistons, may also need adjusting, or the engine may need a new timing belt.

Running hot

If the engine is running hot, this can mean that there are leaks in the hoses that deliver coolant to the engine, that the fan is not working properly, or that the engine is low on oil, since oil cools the engine. Check the oil levels regularly to see if they dip after an oil change, and turn on the car with the hood raised to see if the fan is working to pinpoint this problem.

Electrical slowdown and smells

If you turn on the wipers or lights and they slow down or dim, the battery may be underpowered for all your car's electrical components. However, if you also smell sulphur, this often means that the battery is actually overpowered and is then failing.

If the electrical systems are operating fine but you still smell sulphur, this often means the catalytic converter is failing or is clogged, and debris is making its way back to the engine. You may notice stalling, as mentioned, or a rough idle when this happens.
